Many of you have likely heard and/or read about the restrictions on travel placed on San Francisco and many surrounding counties as outlined by the ORDER OF THE HEALTH OFFICER No. C19-07.
We are currently considered by this order as a healthcare operation and will be remaining open to continue to serve those of you depending on the ongoing management of your conditions and for whom a break in care may not be in the interest of.
- Please note that we are further restricting our patient care to best protect both our patients and ourselves in addition to what we have previously outlined here. We are only allowing one patient in the office at a time to best adhere to social distancing
- Additionally we will be running with minimal onsite staff to further reduce your person to person interactions. (please be patient if administrative tasks/requests take longer to complete over the next several weeks)
- You may request doctors use masks and/or gloves during your appointments
- Expanded Tele-health offerings (see below)
As we are sure many of you have realized, this situation proves to be particularly difficult for small businesses of all industries. We thank you deeply for your support, our practice would not be what it is without each of you.
For those of you wishing to help support us during a period
- Please write us reviews on our Yelp and Google pages
- Purchase a package or gift card for twice the normal savings over the next 3 weeks
Telemedicine Ergonomics
For those of you who are working from home during the coronavirus/corvid-19 pandemic, we are reaching out to inform you of an offering from Premier Health Chiropractic for tele-ergonomic consultations.
In these appointments we will:
- Go over your at-home set-up
- Make suggestions for alterations that can be done immediately
- Recommend inexpensive products you can order through online retailers if you are predicting extended times of working from home
- Discuss healthy habits to prevent headaches, neck/back pain, and increase incidence of repetitive stress injuries associated with home workspaces
- Build you a personalized WebExercise routine focused on keeping you healthy
- Instruction on how to self-release muscle tension associated with working from home
- Strength/Stability Workout program that can be performed at home
These appointments can be booked online through our appointment portal (click here) or you can contact our office:
If you’re new to the fitness from home side of things we are partnering with Michaela at MVM to keep you working out in the safety of your own home, using things you already own. No reason being stuck inside has to impact the waistline.
Telemedicine Naturopathic Appointments
Looking to discuss healthy eating, supplementation, and stimulating your immune response to the best of your ability? We are inviting you to schedule with Ashton Perroni N.D. at Thyme Integrative Health to discuss these aspects of your health. See their website for contact information.
It is our wish and hope to serve you all to the best of our abilities. Please reach out to us if we may be of service to you during this time.
Original PHC Coronavirus Update
We know many of you have received variations of this email already but enough of you have expressed concerns to us about the coronavirus/COVID-19 situation that we felt it appropriate to address the topic.
First and foremost we are not intending to close our practice over the course of this situation. Although some companies in San Francisco are closing we are fortunate in that our patient population is younger and healthier than most offices in the area and we are not a high volume chiropractic office. We practice with patient privacy in mind, in a one on one environment, and do not commonly have patients sitting in the waiting room, we are able to greatly decrease any potential risk of exposure in the office.
We also wish to make it clear that we are taking all available and appropriate measures to ensure your safety and the safety of our staff and doctors including but not limited to the following:
- We have stepped up our already stringent cleaning and sanitation guidelines and assure you that all treatment tools and surfaces are thoroughly sanitized between each patient
- Appointment time changes to ensure we have adequate time for our enhanced cleaning procedures
- We may alter your regular treatment protocol in some cases to minimize your contact with multiple surfaces and can discuss with you at any point if a change in your overall treatment plan is appropriate and what alternative steps and measures may be taken
- We will be offering a modified treatment schedule over the next few weeks to account for altered work schedules and help minimize commuting
- If you prefer your provider to wear a mask or fresh latex gloves please let us know
- We will be offering additional virtual appointments and consultations in order to best serve our community and any concerns you might have
Additionally please note:
- Due to the lower amount of traffic in the area street parking is more available for those that wish to drive to their appointments
- Please remember to stay calm because it is still cold and flu season and not all symptoms are a sign of coronavirus
- For more information check the CDC website at
- Our patient population is generally not at high risk but if you are feeling unwell we respectfully ask that you reschedule your appointment for two weeks later
What you can do if you are working from home:
- Supplementing with Vitamin D, C, and Vitamin B complexes
- Drink more water than usual
- Get a good night's sleep of at least 8 hours
- Move - try not to sit at home all day and get out to non-crowded places and move
- Check out our Facebook and Instagram pages for more at-home advice
- Schedule a virtual appointment to go over home ergonomics or update your at home WebEx Routine
Rest assured that we are keeping up to date with all new information and recommendations of the leading health organizations.
PHC Team
New Patients: