How to Prevent Sciatica Pain in San Francisco CA

Bottom Line:
As we discuss how to prevent sciatica pain with our sciatica patients, we
often notice that many of them will make the comment that they don't know
how they hurt their back when they start receiving treatment.
And that's a completely logical statement to make.
It's easy to understand how lifting a heavy object at work or sustaining a
blow of some kind or simply moving in an awkward fashion could result in an
injury to your back.
The pain that comes with that injury tells you that you could have pinched
a nerve and that's why you're experiencing sciatica symptoms.
Completely understandable.
But, what we're about to tell you as we dive into how to prevent sciatica
pain naturally may surprise you.
Research has shown that too much sitting may be one of the most common
reasons you find yourself experiencing that sciatica pain.
That's also completely understandable.
As the leading sciatica pain specialist in [your city / town /
neighborhood], we’ve seen the very real impact sitting too much has on our
Here's why.
Why it Matters:
When you spend hours per day sitting down, the muscles that support your
low back aren't regularly activated, so they can start to atrophy or weaken.
This can lead to imbalances in your back that then result in increased
pressure and stress on your spine.
Without the support of the stabilizing muscles your spine relies on to keep
your vertebrae, discs, and nerves in balance and aligned, you're more
likely to injure your back.
To put that in perspective, we've seen patients who've injured their back
from lifting lightweight items around the house.
Fortunately, the “how” in how to prevent sciatica pain is probably even
easier than you think.
We like to say "motion is lotion" for your body.
When it comes to how to prevent sciatica pain, movement-based care is at
the top of the list.
Stretching, for example, before and after any physical activity can help
you both improve your flexibility and reduce your chances of experiencing a
number of avoidable injuries.
Modern research also indicates that consistent exercise can stop or even
reverse the effects of too much sitting.
Incorporating just 30 minutes of exercise each day can help strengthen the
supporting muscles around your spinal column to help prevent future
episodes of sciatica.
Other recent studies tell us that getting periodic spinal adjustments can
have a part to play in both the correction and prevention of conditions
that can cause sciatica pain.
In fact, the top research journal SPINE found that maintained chiropractic
care can evaluate, detect, and potentially prevent future disc problems and
low back pain episodes.
In other words, chiropractic can be a very effective “how” when you’re
considering the actual steps of how to prevent sciatica pain and the
recurrence of symptoms.
If you’re looking for a sciatica pain specialist in [your city / town /
neighborhood] that takes a holistic approach, you’ve come to the right
When most people think of chiropractic care, they typically picture
“getting their back and neck cracked.”
While It is true that chiropractic adjustments are a big part of the
chiropractic treatment of sciatica, we actually use a variety of treatment
methods to address sciatic nerve impingement and pain.
As chiropractors, we take a whole-body (holistic) approach to health and
We combine techniques like adjustments, massage, exercise, nutritional
advice, and weight loss management to create a wellness plan unique to each
Next Steps:
We’ve seen our patients enjoy significant relief from sciatica pain and
improved mobility with continued chiropractic care.
Maintaining your body with movement-based care is key in how to prevent
sciatica pain.
We recommend including regular chiropractic care in addition to
implementing some level of planning to help get and keep you moving daily.
Even if time is tight most days, taking a few minutes every hour to get up
and walk around can go a long way.
Starting small is better than not starting at all!
And, as days become weeks, months, and years, the exercise you do now will
pay huge dividends down the road to keep you happy, healthy, and pain-free.
If you have struggled with recurrent or chronic sciatica pain, you're not
limited to invasive surgical procedures, injections, or prescription pain
medications to find relief.
You deserve better.
Schedule an appointment with a holistically focused sciatica pain
specialist in [your city / town / neighborhood] like us.
We'll work together to pinpoint the root cause of your pain and come up
with a plan that can help you get and stay out of pain for years to come.
You deserve nothing less!
Science Sources:
Maintained Spinal Manipulation Therapy for Low Back Pain. SPINE. 2011.
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